Absolut Barcelona, Spain Helping brands to stand out in Festival spaces See how ProtoPixel helped Vice and Absolut Vodka to be the highlight of Sonar by Night
Wella Barcelona, Spain Making Alexis Ferrer's vision a reality Wearable Lighting Technology for Wella's showcase.
Desigual Barcelona, Spain Powering a Shop's Lighting Experience Powering a Desigual's store Lighting Experience
Calidos Monegros Desert, Spain Interactive Light Installation In collaboration with Jonas Johansson and composed by 24 totems and 4K LEDs.
Ray-Ban Barcelona, Spain A Techno Music Space for Primavera Sound See how ProtoPixel helped Primavera Sound and RayBan to transform a parking lot in a techno club with a futuristic look and feel
Audi Barcelona, Spain Making lighting a core element of the Audi e-tron experience ProtoPixel is the lighting technology behind the futuristic Audi's E-Tron Escape Room experience, presented all around Europe
Vivid Sydney Sydney, Australia Visual Data and Light Installation Taking inspiration from Sydney’s Barangaroo precinct.
LCI Barcelona Barcelona, Spain Interactive Lighting and Biodata For the 2020 edition of Llum Bcn Light Arts Festival.
Mapfre Madrid, Spain Stages for Unique Corporate Events Stage design for an Annual Stakeholders Meeting in Madrid.
Metron Barcelona, Spain Metron Space Installation 53 pendulums connected with LED strips, reacting on music beats and forming hypnotising dancing patterns.
Hamill Industries Barcelona, Spain Luminescent Laser Installation For the 2019 edition of Llum Bcn Light Arts Festival.
Ray-Ban Barcelona, Spain 360 Stage Lighting Lighting up the famous Primavera Sound's Ray-Ban Warehouse Stage.
MIRA Festival Berlin, Germany Interactive Installation for MIRA Festival For the 2018 edition of MIRA Festival in Berlin.
Tigrelab Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Lighting Technology for an Award-winning Installation Powering a massive audiovisual Installation
APDI Barcelona, Spain Light Installation for Llum Bcn Festival APDI's Light Installation for Llum Bcn Festival
MID Studio Barcelona, Spain A Unique Lighting Sculpture 300 vintage LED bulbs controlled in real time by custom generative software.
BioscaBotey Barcelona, Spain Concept Space at the Heart of Barcelona Artistic collaboration with a retail partner BioscaBotey
Apolo Barcelona, Spain Designing the Ultimate Club Experience See how ProtoPixel helped a night club icon to jump to the next level while reducing operative costs.
Estudi Arola Barcelona, Spain Connecting Buildings through Laser Helping Estudi Antoni Arola to make real their vision for the 2020 edition of Llum Bcn Light Arts Festival
Vueling Barcelona, Spain Lighting and Interactivity in the heart of Barcelona A truly interactive light installation formed by 18 giant hearts and 10.000 LEDs.
W Hotels Barcelona, Spain A Fully Immersive Congress Experience Our technology helped W Hotels to create unique bespoke stage setups for their premium corporate events.